Monday, April 30, 2007

All Smiles

Everett has been all smiles the past few weeks. In fact, even at 3:00 in the morning, half naked on a changing table he can't help but look up at Amy and flash her his gums. He also thinks that I am hilarious. He is weighing in at about 11 pounds now and has pretty good neck strength. I have updated the pictures in the album so they can be downloaded but here is that smile.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm Ridin For Charity

Hey everyone, Amy and I are working on the announcements right now so they will be out soon. Also, I signed up for a charity ride to raise money for diabetes research. It is June 10 and I am signed up to do 32 miles here in Connecticut. If you feel like helping out you can visit my donation site below. I will also eventually put a link on the right that will also lead to the site.


In other news, Everett had a Dr's appointment today and it turns out (like we didn't already know) he is growing like a mad man. After exactly one month he weighs a whopping 9.5 pounds. He has been putting on an ounce and a half a day since his first appointment. The Dr assured us that since he is gaining weight so well we no longer have to wake him up in the middle of the night to feed him, good news for Amy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blog Spring Cleaning

I have finally gotten to the changes I wanted to make to this site. You will notice that the video is not embedded in the top of the blog now. It hasn't gone away. There is a new section over on the right called multimedia. It holds a link to all of the videos I have uploaded (there are 3 at time of writing) and there is also a link to pictures. This is nice because now you can view more than just the one video at a time. Also, since the pictures link is public you do not have to sign in to anything and you can view and download high quality pictures. This means that if you want you can put them on a flash drive or CD, take them to Walmart or CVS, and print out copies. The quality is good enough that 4x6 prints will come out nicely.

There is also a link to photos of Clare. Clare is Everett's older cousin, by 5 days.

Another minor change is that every post ever written is no longer on this front page. That will help the page load faster. They haven't gone away either. They are simply in the archives also located over on the right.

Hopefully these new changes will make the site a little easier to navigate and interact with. Always feel free to hit the comment link in any post and give a suggestion, the comments get e-mailed directly to me.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Laying with Mommy

Here is a recent picture of Amy and Everett. Also, there will be a new video posted soon in which he is making some faces.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Clare

Here is a recent picture of my niece in her Easter Bunny costume. Just thought it was a good one.

Everett is doing well. He has started to smile once in a while and I got to feed him a bottle last night. He took to it pretty well. Here is a more recent picture of him and I.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Thanks to Everyone

Amy and I wanted to take a moment to publicly thank everyone for the wonderful support we have received along with the interest that you have shown in us and the little one. The outpouring of gifts has been overwhelming and we thank you once again for your generocity. I have ordered the birth announcements and will be sending them out shortly along with Thank-Yous to everyone. Hopefully Amy and I can take some time while the baby is sleeping to get them all addressed and sent out quickly. Everett thanks you also.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Lesson Learned

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but this is why you do not carry a naked baby around.