Monday, April 27, 2009

In-laws baptism

Jack is a beanstalk

Jack has been doing great. He sleeps a lot and any time daddy - I think it is contagious.

Unfortunately, Mommy is immune....

See how strong he is at 2 weeks old, I can hold my head and back up and throw my body around.

"No pee underwear"

Everett is potty training!!!
We had to bribe him a little bit to get him interested, so when he goes he gets a sticker, a potty treat and sometimes a car. We remind him he has underwear on and he says "no pee underwears". To date he has made several "nakes" in the potty and has been having only a few accidents. We are so proud. Apparently he is proud of us too, so when we go potty, he pats us on the back and says "so proud you mamma/pappa".

Thursday, April 23, 2009


We had some visitors up this weekend. Pretty much everyone related to Jack has been able to make the trip up to meet him. Here are some recent pics.
Pappa's 60th birthday party...Everett was quite the ham and Jack was passed around all day.

Uncle Danny...Jack's God-dad

Auntie Claudia, Jack's God-mom
Pappa Moose made the trip up as well.
And great new pics of Jack. He doesn't look like a newborn anymore. I swear he gets bigger everyday.

Friday, April 17, 2009


We had some cute little visitors last weekend. Ally is on the left (engaged to Jack). Lindsey is in the middle (Everett's wife-to-be). Aren't they all so cute? Some cuddle time with Daddy. It is like a pile of testosterone.
Tummy time. Everett is teaching Jack all about picking his head up.

Jack Love!

And here is Everett giving jack a bottle.

Look how handsome my boys are!

And last, but not least....This is hair. This is my hair that Everett cut with the nail clippers. When I see you in person, ask me to show you my bald spot.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A few Closer-ups of Jack

I had a request for a few better shots of Jack so here are a couple where you can see his face pretty well.

We call him the beast

The doctors confirmed what we all thought to be true...he is a beast. Statistics prove this to be fact

Everett's weight
Birth - 7 pounds 5 ounces
2 weeks - 7 pounds 11 ounces
1 month - 9 pounds 8 ounces

Jack's weight
Birth - 7 pounds 11 ounces
2 weeks - 9 pounds 2 ounces

Everett's height
Birth - 20 inches
1 month - 21 3/4 inches

Jack's height
Birth - 19 inches
2 weeks - 21 1/2 inches

Look out Everett, he is gunning for you.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter and such

A lot has been going on in the Miller house. It has been pretty nice out so Daddy and Everett started to work on the garden. There has been some interest in Jack's sideburns, so we thought we would silence the rumors and publish the truth. Yes, he was born with these sideburns! Rock on little Miller!
Jack's first bath (after the umbilical cord fell off). Man did that thing stink.

All of mommy's boys. Aren't they handsome!

Jack's first bottle with Daddy.

And we asked Everett what he wanted to wear for Easter Sunday and he chose cowboy boots....only cowboy boots.

Don't worry Everett, we blocked your parts so you won't hate us in 15 years. Here he is brushing his teeth in his Easter outfit.

The great Easter egg hunt at Grammi and Pappa's house. Napolean got in on the action too.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Jack Video

This is jack at about a week old. He is a strong little guy and can hold his head up and look around. He has smiled at Grammi, Mommy, and Daddy. He is beautiful!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Jack Update

It has been a hectic week here in the Miller house, but everything is going great with the boys. Here are some much asked for updates.

This is Everett getting ready for Jack's arrival. This carseat used to be huge compared to him.
Even Napolean got into the maternal spirit.

Everett and Jack got matching outfits from Aunt Sarah. This has his name on it and says he is a big brother! He wore it to meet Jack at the hospital.

Mommy and the boys! They are some handsome little guys.

Proud pappa

Meeting Grammi.

Metting Pappa

Everett loves to hold Jack. We have to keep him out of reach so he doesnt "take Jack" when we aren't looking.

Handsome guys!

Going home.

Auntie Claudia

Everett seems a bit big for Jacks bed.

Jack is a much better fit.

We are so excited you are here, safe and sound.