Amy and I decided to start riding our bikes more and picked up one of those baby trailers last weekend. You can see a picture of it below. We put close to 5 miles a night on the trailer and over the weekend our total was about 20-30 miles. We used the car only twice the entire weekend. The baby loves this thing and falls asleep all the time in it. To top it all off, the dog loves it too. He rides in the back and looks out of the windows. We have a good picture of the two of them in there. I will post it in the next few days.

I figure pulling the trailer is good exercise and training for my 31 mile charity ride coming up next weekend. There are more details on that on the right hand side.
Not too much has changed with Everett, he is still a very happy, content, smiling baby. He sleeps through the night now and has rolled over a couple times. He isn't rolling over consistently yet. It is funny to watch because we know he has the strength to do it, it just seems like he is to happy and content all the time to want to roll over.
It's nice to get an update on Everett, sleeping through the night is wonderful. I am sure you all are really enjoying the cycling.
Love, mom (diana)
I'm going to copy you and buy a motorcycle trailer for our great dane. I will get huge calf muscles dragging him around California. Can't wait to see the picture of your little boys inside of the baby trailer!
Sarah Cul-to-the-pepper
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