Monday, October 15, 2007

Recent Pictures

Amy is right, we do have some pictures to share. I like to call these "Attack of the Naked Baby." This is me winding the baby up and getting him ready to pee on mommy.

Everett likes being naked, he also likes peaches. Here you can see him wearing his peaches and for once, you can see where his eyebrows are.

And like any baby, what goes in must come out, here he is working on a nice poop(note the red around the eyes, he pushes pretty hard). He went directly from the highchair to the bathtub on this night.


Anonymous said...

Clint and Amy, nothing is sacred. You show him naked, peeing, and grunting.

What proud parents! Wait till he sees these pictures one day.
Of course, your dad and I think they are all can we not.
Love, MOM (Diana)

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