This post is a bit overdue, but it has been a busy month. Mommy went back to work for July and Daddy has been a stay at home dad. We are so proud of him, even if we all smell like sour milk and BO and we wear the same clothes for days at a time. Anyway, Jack got baptized in late June and he looked fabulous in the antique family christening gown. So here are some pics of Jack and his big brother getting ready for Jack's big day.

Awww how adorable!!

What a smile

Jack loved all the attention and even made the priest laugh on several occasions. He also made the priest hold his hand during about half of the ceremony. He is the happiest baby I have ever met.

The proud godparents "uncle danny and uncle claud-da"

And here is a great picture of the godparents and Jack in the gown. Mommy, Grammi and Great Grammi all wore this dress (6 generations in total). It was a fantastic day.
We sure loved being there and par-cipating in every moment. We love you all.
That is a beautiful gown. He is such a happy baby. I'm glad we got to see eachother this weekend. We miss you all.
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