Grammy and Pappa went on vacation to Block Island. They took the boat over and invited us to stay with them. We took them up on their offer and unfortunately for them, we never left...the great vacation invasion.
We got there on Friday night and started bright and early Saturday morning with a dinghy ride to the clamming grounds. Ev knew the way and navigated there all by himself.

Here is the day's catch.
Over the next few days we did a bunch of stuff, which apparently tired Ev out. Here he is sleeping in his bike seat.
And he didn't even wake up from the bike to the beach.
Here is Daddy and Pappa body surfing. We actually had to drag daddy off the beach when it was time to go.
And here is Everett after he finally woke up. He loved the beach and tried to smuggle all of it home in each and every crevice of his body.

Jack meanwhile decided he needed a cool drink and kept trying to steal beer bottles from the cup holders. Jack, we didn't let your brother drink until he was 2.
Grammy didn't think it was right to smuggle so much sand, so we let the water reclaim its rightful property. Sorry Ev.

We got there on Friday night and started bright and early Saturday morning with a dinghy ride to the clamming grounds. Ev knew the way and navigated there all by himself.

On another day we rode our bikes all over the island. Here we are at the South Lighthouse.

And the trek down to Mohegan Bluffs.

Jack enjoyed the ride.
Here is Clint at the famous Oar.

It looks like you guys had a blast! It makes me want to go back to Block Island
Everett is getting so tall! His little legs look so long. You know I've never been to Block Island? One of these days we'll have to plan a trip up there. I guess after Little Schmidt arrives. Miss you guys!
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