The weather has finally started to get nice here in New England and that means two things, deck parties and baseball. As you know we decided that after picking pressure treated splinters out of screaming kids we decided to redo the deck. Everyone has been working pretty hard on the weekends and after work and we have made some progress.
The boys all used as much muscle as they had to pull the old decking off.

All of the deck boards are finally on and Amy used some of her muscle (as you can see) to plug all of the screw holes. I hope you all bought your tickets to the gun show.

Lastly, one of the stair sets is finally secured to the deck. This is quite an accomplishment since the last set was kind of an adventure, think of a rope bridge, but scarier.

That leaves us with baseball and Mother's Day. The first birdhouse we made Amy is now inhabited by a nice family of birds and she wanted another. Everett and I cooked one up out of plans from a library book. He even pulled the trigger on the nail gun to put it together (once or twice). It makes a pretty loud noise. Then he painted it and here it is. Happy Mother's Day Amy. You are a wonderful mother and all of us boys that surround you love you very much.
Way to go, Ev! I'm so impressed.
Nice work on the deck. Hope all's going well with the new puppy! Miss you guys.
I don't want to hear this yankees crap.
I don't know if I can afford tickets to that gun show Amy!
Your hard work is paying off. The deck is really beautiful, and will bring much enjoyment.
Happy Mother's day Amy! You do have great boys and you're a great mom!
Everett is quite a slugger.
Love, Diana
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