We had a great Christmas this year. After our awesome trip on the Polar Express, everyone was all geared up for Santa Clause! So Christmas Eve we went over to my parents house for some homemade Lobster Ravioli that we actually made ourselves. It was fantastic! After that we opened up our Christmas Eve present, Jammies!
Here are the boys in their new jammies getting ready for bed.

After the jammies, we all sat down to watch Rudolph before bed.
We then came home and put the cookies, milk and carrots out for Santa and his reindeer. It turns out Santa did some by the house and he left some great presents for the boys. They got this awesome little table. Santa even left a note on the table wishing the boys a merry Christmas. No matter how many times we told Ev that some of the presents were from Mommy and daddy, he wouldn't believe us. He was adamant that Santa brought everything and was thrilled that he came.
After they opened their stockings, we had a quick breakfast, and then went off to church. After church we had a real breakfast, played with our new toys, and then took a quick nap. After naps we went back over to my parents to see everyone for Christmas. We opened some more gifts from Grammi, Pappa and Uncle Danny and Aunt Claudia. Here are the boys all dressed up in their nice church clothes.
Playing a new game with Auntie Claudia.

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