It's that time again - March Madness!! March marks the coming of too too many birthdays.
Napolean - March 9th
Clint - March 10th
Clare - March 14th
Tad - March 15th
Everett - March 19th
Jack - March 27th
Pappi - March 30 and 31st (long story)
And by the end of the month, we are all tired and broke!
We started the month off with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Miller to celebrate the boys' birthdays.

After that we jetted off to South Carolina to visit with the
Venns in a birthday extravaganza. Everett had a blast playing with Girl toys and hanging out with his cousins. Here is a pic of
Pappa moose playing the guitar for the kids.

Here are three of the cousins zoning out in front of some
toonies. Caroline is off running around or jumping on something.

Here is
grammi getting in some good cuddles. Everett is off running around or jumping on something.

The trip was fantastic and we miss the girls terribly. The kids had a great time but were exhausted and took a few days to recover from the craziness. I'll post more pictures as soon as my sister sends me a copy of them....Sarah....hint
After our trip to SC, we had a great birthday party for all the March birthdays at
Gammi and
Pappis house. Auntie Claudia and Uncle Danny made an awesome snake cake for the boys. The boys got a sweet
barbecue, some big boy bikes (Everett learned to ride on Clare's pink princess bike), and some other great stuff.

The next day was Jack's actual birthday. We started the day with a game of basketball, from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Tad.

And then went off to the circus. Great Grandma and Grandpa Miller sent the boys some birthday money and they chose to use it to enjoy some rides,

see a bunch of animals, and....

ride a ginormous elephant!

We still owe them a phone call to thank them for the thoughtful gift. After that we went to have some ice cream at the
rainforest cafe (which
incidentally Jack
actually hates - go figure).

I think the busy month tired the boys out just a little bit.
We even got to have some fun face timing Auntie Katie after dinner!
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, thoughts and gifts. The boys had a wonderful month of extravaganza!
Looks like a great month! Happy birthdays all around. Gifts from the delinquent Godparents are on their way. We had our eye on an awesome giant moving triceratops but someone snatched it up before we could get it.
Oops! Have the disc right her. I'll send it whenever I can get my act together. Sarah
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